Dear Parents/Carers,
School clubs will begin next week - thank you all for your patience! If the children have not got all their hoped for clubs, then we have made a waiting list for each club and they will get a place after Christmas.
If you are parking at the rear of the school, can we please ask that you keep your car’s speed to a minimum as you drive through this area. Often, children are walking and running around the cars and it is very easy to not see them. A near miss was reported this morning.
When your child has school meals and is sent “dinner tickets” home, please would you ensure that their name is written on each ticket. Drinks are available from the school kitchen at a cost of 30 pence. These should be bought when you purchase a meal ticket. However, until half term, children may purchase a drink for 30 pence directly from the kitchen. Children bringing a packed lunch may pay our cook directly if they wish to purchase a drink.
Could the Reception children’s parents please use the menu sheet and discuss the meal for the next day with your child and write the colour - red, blue or green - of the meal option they would prefer. As you can imagine, this is proving to be a lengthy process each morning for the teacher and teaching assistant as the children decide exactly what they would like to have! (Thank you!!!!)
The African Dance Workshop has moved dates from Tuesday, 18th October to
Friday, 21st October. On Friday, October 7th, Years 3/4 will be participating in a Hindu workshop as part of their R.E. Studies.
Friday, 21st October. On Friday, October 7th, Years 3/4 will be participating in a Hindu workshop as part of their R.E. Studies.